Naturmystikk Vol. VI | Mourning Dawn added!

Naturmystikk Vol. VI | Mourning Dawn added!

April 9, 2012 Off By admin

mourning dawn_pictMOURNING DAWN (Fr) was added to the line-up. Brace oneself for a sick black/doom set!
Mourning Dawn is a dark metal band from France. Mourning Dawn don’t care about styles, don’t care about nicknames, its aim is to play its music and to play it in the most depressive way… So here you can find doom metal, black metal or dark metal like bands as Shining, Deinonychus or Bethlehem, but all is played in a unique and personal way… Simple, sincere and sick, three words that fits Mourning Dawn’s music, and will stay engraved in your heart… Three years after their masterpiece ‘For The Fallen…’ they will have a brand new successor in the pipeline. Expect some never performed material!